A seed was planted in my heart and the ground where it lay
Through HIM I kept it watered and
HIS words of life grew each day

So many Blessings to me God
has bestowed
HIS gift of memory I cherish as
treasures of gold
So it has been since childhood days
Giving my heart to HIM and following
HIS ways

I Cannot Imagine Life With Out Him through the years
HE has been beside me through trials, laughter and tears
As nature has it's all known say
The sands of time kept slipping away
Known only to HIM from the Good Book I now recall
How to share HIS invitation and love
for all

I shall keep the light in my eyes that illuminates my love for Thee
While praying that others through me might see
HIS saving Grace and love for all
To hear HIS beckon for sinner's call

As a beacon in the night that guides ships ashore
With their sails raised high reach the harbor light
Once more In that darkness we may hear each pray
"Life Without HIM I Cannot Imagine" for we have renewed our Faith today

So it is within my heart each breath I take