I walked along the path alone
I needed no one else
I was strong could do no wrong
Thought only of myself

The picture slowly began to fade
I somehow lost control
I started to search but could not find
Contentment for my soul

I wandered down so many paths
That really went nowhere
And tho I sought for the answer
I found that none were there

Then one day I met a friend
Who said let's take a walk
You seem to be unhappy
I think we need to talk

He told there was Someone who
Had helped him find his way
He too had reached the bottom
But that was all changed today

He said that he had met someone
And had turned his life around
Then things changed for the better
With this new friend he had found

I asked him just who this friend was
For I needed to meet him too
He said you have not known it
But He has always been there for you

He told me of a man from Heaven
Who sent his son to bear our sins
So we could cast them all away
And start out as new again

Then He asked me to kneel with him
And told me what to say
He said just call out Lord I am lost
Please come and guide my way

Suddenly I felt a peace within
I had never known before
I knew I had been forgiven
Old sins were mine no more

I would like to be your friend too
And tell you about God's plan
If you need someone to save you
"I Know Someone" who can.

Poem by:
Jack Young © Sept. 28, 2005
Asst. and Page Design by:
Fran G.©
Song Playing: "HE"
From: DolphinDreams.