Nothing is as painful
As unforgiveness to the soul
A heart that's torn asunder
With forgiveness becomes whole

A single kind word spoken
Means more than countless words
The three words, "I forgive you,"
Are all that need be heard

To a soul that has been wounded
Like a healing, cooling balm
Forgiveness soothes and comforts
Till at last the soul is calm

For the soul that seeks forgiveness
When forgiveness can't be found
It struggles vainly everyday
To hear that simple sound

The power in those three kind words
Can heal a heart that's broken
But that heart cannot begin to heal
As long as words remain unspoken

Compassion in its purest sense
Reside in those three words
The three words, "I forgive you"
Are all that need be heard

Page Designed by: Fran G. © March 1, 2011
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