Missing you creates a heart ache,

the void of no mail nor call,

from you I must take.

I miss the notes you used to write,

and now my phone is very quiet.

But I understand and wait in silent love,

knowing you are working for Christ above.

Use the talents you possess,

the forrest would be silent if only there

were birds that sang the best.

If a man does not keep pace with his Lord above,

Perhaps it is because he hears a

different drummer void of Love.

Pray they listen to the music they should hear,

Then our God will always be near.

Would you in HIS work find a place of rest?

Would you in HIS service labor always at your best?

Let HIM have HIS way with thee,

In your walk they shall surely see.

My prayers continue each night and day,

to brighten your life along the way.

If one song that you play,

should rescue a sheep gone astray,

Then you will know you let HIM have HIS

way with thee,

With a song in your heart,

they will be set free

Dedicated to my friend in Christ,

with much love.

By: Fran Gaines © 2004
