Sometimes when things go wrong
And I feel all hope is gone
That is when I retreat to my valley
To talk and be with my Jesus alone

A little log cabin left standing forlorn
Where once stood someone's left-behind home
I had happened upon it many years ago
My love for it and the valley then began to grow

I watched God's little creatures feeding on grass and left over grain
We created a bond of trust and love to remain
Perhaps they knew I would return each day
To thank the Lord for my blessings and to pray

Inside my little log cabin, a cozy fire in the fireplace I made
The warmth had invited some creatures inside as we played
I felt this lonely Valley God did posses
Was an answer to my prayers to come and confess

My burdens would be lighter and trials be gone
When I prayed for His forgiveness as I talked to Him alone
While sitting in my favorite chair by the fire
Thinking of my blessings from God we admire
As I bowed my head I glanced to my feet
A fleeting image of a little dog lay there asleep

God gave me a vision I never had seen
Just as swiftly it was gone as the loved one in my dream
Time had slipped away as only God knows where
But enough to linger a little longer to say my nightly prayer
The embers in my little cabin were now dust
Hugs and love to my little creatures now a must

Until I return to my Valley of Peace, I leave you with a thought in mind
Create a place be it a cabin or secret garden of prayer you find
Any place, no matter where it may be
To find peace with our Jesus that He gave so free
You will find Him anywhere you look
Just bow your head in Prayer as you open and read God's Holy Book

Author @ Fran G. August 1, 2010
Read My Dedication at The Bottom

My DedicationWith Inspiration from the Lord and a dear friend with compassion and love for her God given Talent, spending many hours designing, sewing devoting (without regard to her own health issues), making Quilts For The Sick, through "CAM" - (CHRISTIAN ACTION MINISTRIES )
I dedicate this Page and Poem to you-"LEONA" (from Mo.)
May God Bless You Always in Your Work for HIM
My Dedication Lingers to First My Family and Loved Ones not Omitting my Wonderful Internet Friends
A Small Humble Poem the Lord Guided my Pen to Write
With Love in My Heart for All of You

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