Thank You Lord for the blessings You give
For Your love and guidance each day I live
Every breath I take is a blessing from You
I have the assurance that Your love is true

Thank You Lord for my family dear
The ones away, the ones near
Thank You for the true friends I have found
You sent them to me when trials abound
Those whom have prayed a little longer
For the ones I love to be stronger

Thank You Lord for Your healing touch
For each friend and those I love so much
Those that have Faith and Love in You
Strengthed me in times of need to begin anew

My Prayer is their lives and mine shall always be
Faithful and believing always in Thee
When it seems my load is heavy and trials will not cease
Thank You sweet Lord for Your Anchor of Peace

It seems I depend on You more each day
To listen to Your answers as I pray
Each day and night I shall say, Thank You Lord for long as I live
My life is in Your hands, my soul to You I give~

On this Thanksgiving that comes our way
May we all say this is a "THANKS-FORGIVING" Day
by: Fran G © Nov. 1st, 2005
