Lord, we have listened and heard
The song of how Great Thou Art
Reading scriptures we know of Your Love
You forever know what is in our heart
We know of Faith, Love and Grace
One word in Your Holy Book I believe a Must
And how your son died to take our place
Now comes the time we need to Trust
Your Comandments Dear God, we try to obey
As in other Scriptures You have given us
When we read and teach others Your way
In the end the most important is You we Trust
We know the words, without Love we have nothing at all
How so true and is the root of Your Holy Bible we know is a must
But when we receive that Love if we began to fall we call on your Beloved son whom we Trust
I place my trust in Him each day
Every second and every hour
Though at times I look for strength
HE is always my God of power
He willl lead and to us joy bring
He will always stay by our side
He will be our everything
And in His peace each may abide
There's nothing in our lives my friend
That will take our God by surprise
He is in control His trust will show
Because we are precious in His eyes
When those seem cold and faithless
Who once were fond and true
With careless hearts forsaking
The old friends for the new
I turn to Him whose friendship
Knows neither change nor end
And so I find in Jesus
My ever TRUSTED Friend ~
Author and Page Designed By:
Fran G. @ November 7, 2011
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Song Playing is Midi
NOTE: To my Christian friends, in these days the way our world has become, we need somehow, or way for something to be done
Someway We have to reach the unbelievers
We have to make or break the now, many deceivers
You see my friends it is now up to US
To tell the world "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Made With Love ~