I look out the window at the deck
Far from the bustle of town
And gaze out across the western sky
And watch the sun go down

My mind goes racing back
Back before the angels took you away
How we would sit there together
And watch the closing of the day

We would sit there drinking our coffee
And watch the squirrels at play
Listen to the call of the whippoorwill
At the closing of the day

We would talk about the day's events
Discuss the old and the new
And think about the weekend
And all the things we had to do

But I don't go to the deck any more
The memories are too great
But someday we will again share our memories
At twilight time just inside Heaven's Gate.

Author of Poem and copyrighted by:
Larry D.
Page Designed and @ by: Fran G.
Note: Larry's Poem was used by written permission
It is a dedication to his wife

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