Wisdom is not only found in books
It can be found if one but looks

Wisdom is knowing right from wrong
If one is weak or one is strong

Wisdom is accumulated over the years
Sometimes at the expense of heartache and tears

Wisdom is a gift that is given to few
It leads us to do what we need to do

Wisdom is something to cherish and hold
A treasure that can not be bought with gold

Wisdom is something that all should seek
To teach the young as they begin to speak

Once we have wisdom it will not fade
It is a gift to learn that God made

Some say wisdom means we are smart
But they are missing an important part

Yes, wisdom seems more for the old
Who have been around long we're told

Now it is our duty to our young to teach
To understand their goals to reach

Learn wisdom through God's Holy Book
Lean on Him show them where to look

Show love, compassion and forgiveness for all to know
An example of wisdom to friends they will show

by: Fran Gaines and Jack Young ©

July 7th, 2005

Foot Note:
Wisdom is a state of the human mind characterized by profound understanding and deep insight
It is often, but not necessarily, accompanied by extensive formal knowledge
Unschooled people can acquire wisdom, and wise people can be found among carpenters, ministers, fishermen, or housewives
Wherever it exists, wisdom shows itself as an awareness of wholeness that does not lose sight of logic and God's creation even in poetry and sensation of writings
Wisdom cannot be confined to a specialized field, it is the consciousness of compassion, understanding, integrity and love with relationships accepted


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