Daily we are at our keyboards sending one email after another to each other. We know The other friend is on the other side of the Keyboard...
We know God got us together through the waves of the internet. I knew you were an Angel from your first email. You know the feeling from the Holy Spirit, i'm sure you felt it to? You left your foot prints on My Heart I Pray I left mine on Yours ....
We will be together while here on earth and then in the beyond. God has a plan and we are a part of his plan. Thank-You for being My Dear Angel Friend. You are the BEST...
Live your life well while you still have it. Life is a Wonderful Gift from God. Nothing small about it, My Angel Friend, so glad you were a part of My Life. God has more for us to do i'm sure, but until He calls
Me Home, i'll remain Your Angel Friend...
Don't worry about nothing, instead Pray about everything. Tell God your needs and Thank Him for the Answers.Phipplians 4:6-7 TLB

Written By Country Lady
Song Playing is: Friends