The Story i'm going to tell you happened last summer in July in Burlington Vermont. We have a Cruise Ship called The Sprit of Ellen Allen. It was a Dinner Cruise on Lake Champlain, the Home of Champ the Sea Monster you have read about i'm sure. A Senior Citizen Trip my husband and I went on. We sat with other couple that live in the same apt building we do, so I have a witness to back what i'm about to tell you...

May I bring your attention to the purple butterfly on Jesus Finger in the picture above?... This caught my eye, because my Mom told me that Butterflies were Angels. If one landed on your shoulder and touched your cheek, it was your Angel watching over you. After the cruise and dinner, as we were leaving the ship, this Beautiful Purple Butterfly out of no where landed on my shoulder. When it went to leave it brush by my cheek and you can't being to know how I felt and the feelings I had inside me. I was shaking so hard, my friend asked are you ok? I said better then i've been in along time...

After leaving my shoulder it went in front of me and stayed in mid air looking at me for about 30 seconds or more. Then like a wink of an eye it was gone. At that time there were no other butterflies around, my friend told me. By this time there was a crowd of people around me looking at what was going on. I didn't realize this until My Angel was gone. People were looking at me like who are you?...

I was special that moment in time and I think of it often. I heard a woman say to her friend, that butterfly even matched her dress perfectly.Two teenager girls ask me, was that really your Angel? I said yes and they said WOW. A lesson for a lot of people to withness that Beautiful July Day, inculding myself...

If your thinking where was Bud? He and Phyllis Husband Perry were gone to get van? So they missed the whole wonderful experience. By the way, have you ever seen a all purple butterfly? Neither have I, or any body else i've ask. When I saw the purple butterfly on Jesus finger I knew my story had to be told. Maybe Purple Butterflies are only in Heaven. Think about this a while, I do all the time. God Bless You All! ...
The Lord is my strenght and my shield; he has protected me: Psalm 28.6

Written By Country Lady
Song Playing is: My Special Angel