Jesus sends us earth lights,
People He's hand picked
To reflect His blessings
To let us know we're His

They move through life's problems
They hold their head up high
They sing their praises to our Lord
For their troubles they never cry

They know their destination
They know they are well loved
They know their Father's promises
They wear them in their heart

They are our special earth lights
No obstacle holds them back
From pouring out God's love
From this they never lack

And you my dear sweet sister
Are an inspiration to behold
You are special hand delivered
From God..unto His fold

No matter how sad I am
When all is said and done
I look at your reflection
And know that I am one

One with God and His children
One with eternal bliss
One with His love forever
And nothing can rob me of this

Jesus sends us earth lights,
People He's hand picked
To reflect His blessings
To let us know we're His

And you my dear sweet sister
Are one of these special lights
That God has graced me with
To help me in the night
Thank you and Praise you Jesus!!

Mary Silva
January, 2004

This poem is written for a wonderful
sister in Christ, Mary Ann (Country
Lady). Jesus sends us "earth lights",
people who reflect His love, strength,
etc. and Mary Ann is one of these
"earth lights". This woman is such an
inspiration to me: She's an angel from
heaven and her life on this earth
proves to me that all obstacles can be
overcome; no obstacle can hold us
back from the love that we have for
God and from the love that God has
for us...Amen!!

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