What a Wonderful Time of Year and Easter is Once Again in My Life Time. Signs of New Life Everywhere makes My Heart Sing and Reborns the New Feelings of Spring within My Soul. Only You can do this Jesus, Son of God Our Father...
 Your Promise was kept, as your Word is Golden to Us Believers Here On Earth. You Said, on The Third Day you would Rise from the Dead, Your Word was Kept for Us All to See and To Believe in You, My Lord. Your My One Lord and I believe in You Completely Now and Forever...
 Man has let You Down, but Once Again My Lord, please Forgive them Lord, as they have Followed the Devil instead of You, so sad but true. We believers have followed You Lord. Please Bless The Troops and Their Love Ones...Amen....
For I am the Lord your God, who you Do not fear: I will help you! Isaliah

Written By Country Lady
Song Playing is: Only Believe