Right from the start Jesus Christ didn't have a good life. Even being Jesus he had ups and downs until the end of His earthly trials. In the beginning of his life he was born in a cave, because the Inn's were all full. It was a cold Dec night, long, long, Ago...
Jesus was a Carpenter and tried preaching the word of God to everyone that would listen to him. In his Fathers name would he preach Words from the Bible, doing as his Father wanted Him to do.He was laughed at and made fun Of...
Then the Day came for Him to Die on the Cross for Our Sins. He suffered beyond our understanding. His Mother and all the disciples were there. They hung Him on The Cross using Big Nails to hold his Hands and Feet on the Cross. Pain beyond our belief, he hung on the Cross, in the rain until He was dead. Just before passing on, He ask... Father Why Have You Forsaken Me?...AMEN
Only through Jesus Christ, can you Enter the Gates of Heaven. Let us Pray and ask for Forgiveness and Enter The Kingdom of Heaven Forever and Ever... Amen

Written By Country Lady1/31/04Song playing is: The Old Rugged Cross