| As I look into Your Eyes and I say Your Name. A Calm comes Over Me, like no other time. I feel Your Presents Lord and I know My Prayers are Being Heard for My Famly and Friends. I have Family and Friends with Heavy Crosses to Carry and Some Heavier then Others. I ask not Why, but do ask for You to Help Them by giving them some of Your Strength, so they can get To You Lord in Heaven...

In Jesus Name I Ask You to give Me the Words to Help Your Children on Earth. I want All of Them Reading this Now to know The Feeling of Living with Your Peace inside Their Hearts. With You, I'm Afraid of Nothing in this Bad World. There are so many Bad People trying to turn us From You, My Lord. This will Never Happen in My Lifetime for Myself. I want to be with You and Live in The kingdom of Heaven Forever. This is the message I would like to get across to people that are reading this...

My Next Address will be Kingdom of Heaven and I want You All Reading This to be My Neighbors. Please Pass This Message On in Jesus Name. Praise His Name Forever and Ever..Amen!...

Trust in the LORD with all Thine heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

Written By Country Lady4/18/04Song Playing is:Jesus Loves Me