Over the Years I have Met many Friends on Webtv. Some have taught me some of their Talents, to be able to bring you this today.Thank-You to these talented people. At first they started as Friends, but many grew into My Heart and left it tiny little footprints. This is why I know they are Angels sent by God By Using Air Waves through the Internet. You know Whom You Are, as I Grew into Your Heart, also~†~

We have Cryed, Laughed, Sent Jokes and Listen to each One Problems in their Lifes. Above All, We have Listen and Cared about that Person, as if she or he, Lives on Our Street. One Angel at a Time We Gathered, now We Are Many. God's Way of Saying He Loves Us, as We Help Him Take Care Of One Another~†~

As Time goes by so Fast, I wanted to say Thank-You to All My Web Angels. So glad our paths crossed on our walk through Our Earthy Trials. Each and Everyone of You are a Blessing to Me. Hope to see You All in Heaven when that time comes.I'm sure this will come to Happen, God had us meet for a reason. Until then, Keep Looking Up Better Days Are Coming Soon~†~

Written By Country Lady