Any day or night this Man will be at your door. Are you ready for Him? All your life you knew this visit was going to Happen. He is your Father and His Love for You is Deeper then the Ocean. He will forgive you your sins you have on your soul. All you have to do is ask him for Forgiveness Now. Later will be to late.
He can make you as clean, as a Fresh Snow Storm. We have a Very Forgiving Father that Loves us more the we love ourselves. We are very lucky to have a Father like this. He will take us to a better place. No more pain, tears, broken hearts. Just Angels, God, Jesus and all the Good People that have Gone On Before Us.
Your Family Members that have Pass On before you, will Greet you to HEAVEN. All you have to do is turn your life over to Him Now. So easy to do and ask Him for Forgiveness. Do this today and turn your life around. The ending of your life will be better then you ever dreamed it would be. Thank-You in Jesus Name.. Amen!
Written By Country Lady 11/21/03
Song Playing Is:
Jesus Loves Me