With the Holidays upon us once again, lets not forget what Jesus is saying in the most important book ever written, "†"The Bible"†". If we follow Jesus and do as he says in this book written by his disciples many, many years ago. We will follow Jesus straight into Heaven and into Our Fathers Arms. Our love ones that have pass on before us, will greet us with arms wide open. What a happy day this will be, keep looking up and this day will soon come. Lets be ready, because this day will soon be here. The world is in big trouble, because of mans ways it has been distroyed. The way God wanted it to be and the way it is now, is two different worlds...Amen

Lets us all pray hard to Our King and ask His Forgiveness for all man kind. We all failed to do as God wanted us to do. Forgive us Lord, as we let you down so badly. I beg your forgiveness and I feel it in My Heart that you have Forgiven Me Lord. Thank-You Kind Jesus and i'm so sorry for letting you down. Please come into the hearts of everyone reading these words and forgive them, as they and I are only human. Praise you lord and we thank
-you in Gods name, let their hearts be at piece now and forever until we meet You in person...Amen

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5,6