Spring is just around the corner and I can almost smell the sweet perfume smells coming from all the flowers and trees. God did such a wonderful job then he made earth as a stop over for us to decide if want to go to Heaven or Hell. I'm going to Heaven, what about you? God left the decision up to us to decide for ourselves. I can see it now, just beautiful where ever you look, miles and miles of beauty of every kind. Sweet smells of every kind and every color in the rainbow used in the flowers and trees...

God hasn't forgot a single thing when it comes to beauty, as you can see in my writing of this page. God gives me the words, as I type each word at a time, as He would want me to say. The world was a wonderful place of beauty, just as God wanted it to be. Man is slowly taking all the beauty away piece by piece a little bit at a time. Little by little as the huge puzzle the world is losing all its beauty and it's true meaning one piece at a time.The main killer of the world is MAN himself. Day by day man is killing the earth and he has almost completed the job...

The main killer made by man, is cars, trucks, mobil homes, campers and the gasoline to run them up and down the highways of our lives. Man holds them so dear to their hearts and each family has a driveway full of them, that it's destroying the air we put into our lungs. Causing us to get all kinds of lung diseases, as we all need one in our busy lives, we think. We all know the truth of this problem, now lets write to our Government Leaders we voted into office and put a stop to this madness before we finish the job of killing Earth Forever. We can do it, let us start by reading these words now...

Then a large number of us, are trying to complete the job by Smoking Cigarettes, taking Drugs other then what the Doctors give us, eating wrong foods on top of all the other bad habits man has taken upon himself to do. We call them all a pleasure to do, but in the real world all of them pleasures are killing us, at a fast rate one way or another. Maybe with God's help we can get God's World Back. As Spring gets closer, think of what You can do to bring the Beauty back to God's World for Our Grand-Children, Great Grand Children and so on. It all starts with just one, and let that one be ME...

For I am the LORD, your God, who takes
hold of your right hand and says to you,
Do not fear; I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13

Written by Country Lady: 2/01/06
Song playing is:A Closer Walk With Thee