In Handling My Latest Cross I had to Bare for Your Sake, as I lay in my lonely hospital bed late at night feeling very alone. Again you made yourself known to Me in a very clear way. You are the Best Father anyone could ever have, I should have never doubted Your Love for Me. Please forgive me, as i'm only human, weak as a kitten, at this point in my life...
 I looked at my door on the entry to my room and bathroom door and there were many Angel Wings moving back and forward. At that moment, I knew I was no longer alone in that lonely room. Thank-You Jesus, again you came to My Side at my lowest point in my sickness. Your the BEST in everyway...

Goes to show you, we all need Him to remind us He is there even if We Truely Believe in Him, as I Do. Thanks in The Name of Jesus...Amen
 I will try to never Doubt You and Your Kindness towards Gods Children Again. Thanks for the wake-up call. Nobody knows everything, not even a True Believer like Myself. The fact remains we can all learn More..Amen!
Written By Country Lady 3/14/04

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