I think of you often My Child and want you to talk to me daily. I will never turn away from you ever and will always answer your Prayers.If you think I didn't say yes, it is because I have something better in mind for you..Amen

My Father has many rooms waiting for all his children. Just believe and trust in Him through Me, Jesus His Son. I cannot wait for you to see what Heaven has for you all that Follow Me to Him...Amen

There are different level of Heaven and each have a Beautiful Home for you. First you do as i've told you to do and then you will enter your New Home. The best of everything My Children and more then your human mind can hold...Amen 
Whatever your earthly cross you had to bare for my name sake, will be worth all the pain and heartache you had to bare. Your new home with Jesus and God will be like nothing on earth and the trials you had to bare on earth will be rewarded a hundred full...Amen
This page is dedicated to my new christian friend Allen Dishman. He lives this life in a wheelchair and bed since the age of 15, as I do, we have so much in common. Both of us stop and smell the roses now and they never were any sweeter...Amen :)
His url to his wonderful webpage is:
