I had a dream the other night and would like to tell you about it, if I may? It was a most Beautiful Dream I ever had, or was it a Dream? Something that Beautiful has to be real. In my mind it was real and what I believe is waiting for Us Christian's that Believe and Our Sins Are Forgiven...Amen....
As I looked across the fields of every colored rose there is to be seen. Red, Yellow, Pink, While, Peach and More. My Mother was coming with a big arm full of My Favorite Pink Roses. The Most Beautiful I ever saw. My Mother being the Best Rose to Me. She died when I was 29 and i'm 57 now....
So good to see you Mom, I said. She said Hello Darlin and she Hugged Me so Sweetly. I asked where the rest of the family were and she said, they are all here, but in different rooms. I haven't seen them all yet. Not to worry, we are all Well and Happy and someday you'll be here, also. I want to stay now, but she said it has to be Gods Time. For me to go Home and Wait and the Time Will Come. Don't be afraid to die, it is just Final Curtain of Your Life....
Since that dream I cannot wait to go home and be with My Love Ones that have passed on and The Rest will follow at His Time. I hope telling you my dream has helped you, it sure did me. So I decided to share it with You All. Just remember, ~keep looking up~ Better Days are Coming. All Our Pain and Troubles will be Over Soon...Amen...
Isn't everything you have and everything you are sheer gifts from GOD?...You already have all you need.... 1 Corinthians 4:7-8 MSC

Written By Country Lady 1/20/04 Song Playing is: Coming Home |