Registered Name:
Unique Angelique
Nickname: Angel
Sep. 30, 1990
Jan. 31, 2000
A Tribute To My Best Friend
Even if you're a cat, it's hard to be the one left behind. Every night I wake up mom mewing for my friend. Mom calls out to me, but I ignore her. Then she comes to get me but I run off. Sometimes a cat has to do what a cat has to do. We are very sensitive creatures. No one really understands us.
"All creatures great and
small, God has made
and loves them all."
Angel was bought at a Florida Flea Market. She was 14 months old then, very bashful and shy. One afternoon when Mom and three friends where there, Angel saw Mom and ran out from her hiding place to greet her. So touched by the experience, mom's friends bought Angel for her that year for Christmas.
"Mom says she was touched by the unconditional love and honor she received from Angel."
It was magical and Mom was changed. I was a mere 8 years then and nothing seemed to bother me. I adjusted to everything with ease. Not like a cat at all, I welcomed her in my home. After all, she was smaller than me. I knew I could flip her for a liver treat if needed, but that never happened.
"Shadow was like a daddy to
Angel. He would wash her face
and always watched over her."
Mom always saw Angel as another example of God's awesome creativity. (Mom says I'm another one.) Her presence was beautiful. She sincerely loved others and she never forget a face, not human or animal. She lived a playful life and her ways were humble.
"Angel and Triple always
shared the window watching
all who passed by."
Angel never fully recovered from her first heart attack in October 1999 and then passed away the following January when she suffered another. She is loved so much and missing her is still a daily experience for each of us. There will never be another like my best buddy, Angel.
In Memory Of Angel
Our backyard has a new edition. A young tree called the "Golden Dew Drop." It has been planted in memory of this very small canine who magically brought out the best of us.
If you look close, you will see the tiny white flowers that cover this dainty tree. Small and dainty, just like our sweet Angel.