She sang the song of praise
To her beloved Jesus,
"Happy birthday to you"
Which she hated previously.
But she loved her Lord
A love she felt so strongly,
That she couldn't resist
After all it was His birthday.
From that moment on
Her miracles began,
She sang Happy Birthday
She was Jesus' fan.
She barely spoke a word
Before that song of love,
Now she has a vocabulary
Now she speaks nonstop.
And she has some plans
She has made a pledge,
She will work hard in school
She will go to junior college.
The miracles are piling up
Because you see,
This child is autistic
So all she does is to His Glory.
The Glory of God
Has shone down on her,
Because of her love
For Jesus her Savior.
Author Mary Silva Copyright © March 17, 2010

A special heartfelt thanks to my close friend Mary Silva for writing this poem about my granddaughter. God bless you Mary - now, and always! Please be sure to visit Mary's website, "Whispered Winds" to experience the wonder of her christian poetry, along with her other creations that include premade webpages, webtv sigs, and much more for all of us to enjoy.

Midi Playing: "Close To You"
Compliments of Dolphins Dream
Graphic used on this page found at Public Domain Graphic Group.
This not for profit webpage created by Marvaline
20 March 2011
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