One of the greatest gifts we can give to one another is to pray for each other. Prayer has an impact far beyond what can be seen. It is a privilege and honor to pray for others, not only for those of our inner circle, but for those we do not know. Sometimes it is difficult to know what to pray, but Paul shows us very simply in Colossians 1:9-12 how to pray for others, whether we know them or not.

We should always be willing to pray that they:

be filled with the knowledge of His will;
gain wisdom and understanding;
please and honor God in all things;
be fruitful in every good work;
grow in the knowledge of God;
be filled with God's strength;
have endurance and patience;
stay full of Christ's joy;
always give thanks.

We cannot afford to be too busy to pray. Jesus considered prayer more important than food. Religions everywhere advocate praying, but as a Christian we know prayer is powerful and a weapon to be reckoned with. We know God hears our prayers and answers them. The Bible is filled with examples of how prayer changed history.

There is much uncertainty in our country today. But our prayers can change the course of events. Remembering always that we are subject to God's word, not subject to the world. Be true to the will of God as He has called you, and above all pray.

More than ever, if you are unsure about your relationship with Jesus, I urge you to check out the link below.

"God's Plan For Salvation"

Bible scripture taken from the NIV

Midi: "As The Deer Panteth"
Compliments of Heavenly Midis

This not for profit webpage created by Marvaline
September 18, 2009