Leadville, Colorado
site of one of the most famous
Love Stories Ever Known...
Baby Doe Tabor
The Silver Queen
Elizabeth McCourt (Baby Doe)
Met and married H.A.W. Tabor (the Silver King)
She was divorced, he was married...
But love won out and they lived a life
of untold riches....
Silver poured out of the Matchless Mine
until in 1893, when the demonitization of silver
made the mines virtually worthless.
Tabor lived on until 1899
and his dying words to Baby Doe were
"Hang on to the Matchless.
It will make millions again."
Sadly this was never to be.
Old, hungry and alone,
Baby Doe died in 1935...
Having lived all those years at the Matchless
waiting for good times to come again.
She was found inside the cabin,
lying on the floor
arms outflung in the shape of a cross.
Faithful to the end...
Click here for a
Tribute To Baby Doe
SassyYank Freeway