Time for a Reality Check
on Dubya & Co's 2nd Chance 2006


New Years Eve 2006. It's been a year to go down in history as one that still has us quagmired in geedubya's war of choice in Iraq. Everyday people have died for this war, and still the little man wants us to stay. He'll send in more troops to die and further enrage the Iraqi people against us. It's time for this madness to be over....way past time. Give Iraq back to the Iraqi's and bring our troops home now Mr. Bush. It was never yours to start with and it's less so now.
Saddam was hanged yesterday. I question whether the world will ever outgrow it's barbaric beginnings and the eye for an eye baggage.
The democrats will control the house and senate in the 110th congress....let us begin with inquiries into the secrets of the Bush Adm. and let us bring the lies to the people as lies. Not as misjudgements, but as lies. Let us show the agenda and the lack of ethics that are rampant in this adm. We the people are goddamn sick and tired of being lied to and watching the liars strut around like they are kings. They are destroyers.
As of today there have been 2998 American soldiers killed in Iraq for the arrogance of Bush.
Bring them home now......alive!
Happy New Year 2007

The real reason to vote for change.
There is a war happening today. 7 more US troops were killed in that war. Where? A place called Iraq. Over 2829 American troops have died in this country due to Mr. Bush preemptively invading Iraq on March 19, 2003.
What do the American people think of this war of choice? 34% approve of Bush's war. The people have been lied to, and do not trust this administration. The more troops killed, the lower the numbers go for Mr. Bush.
All the rhetoric lately to take the focus off of Iraq appeases only the base. The rest of the country see through the nonsense and know that this administration has no exit plan, nor do they want one. When a sitting president is so egotistical to tell the people of this country "The Democrat approach in Iraq comes down to this: The terrorists win and America loses," as Mr. Bush said the other day, the people will cast their votes for leaders who will gather this country together.
It is time for Americans to take back their country. Do not be fooled by scare tactics. Do not listen to the man behind the curtain, your best interests are of no interest to him.
As of today, 2829 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. Due to mismanagement of the war of choice, they are targets. Bring them home........alive!

Save America......Vote Democrat on November 7th

10 days until the elections. We've seen a pedophile in congress that Hastert didn't know about!, Ney guilty as sin, Abramoff goes to the slammer Nov. 15th, and GeeDubya saying he never did spit out "Stay the Course". He lies, he lies and he lies about what he lied about. Meanwhile 98 American soldiers have died in that hell hole called Iraq, created by BushCo.
N Korea has tested a nuke. Iran says it is progressing. Dubya refuses to talk to them. We need a diplomat in the WH, not this puke of a divider with his spurs on. Barack Obama?
As of today, there have been 2811 American soldiers killed in Iraq. Bush won't leave there until they throw him out. Bring em home......alive!!

Save America......Vote Democrat on November 7th

Dubya got a Friday surprise that he won't soon forget.......
After all the stalling here it is.......Officially NO Saddam/al-Qaida link. All this week we were bombarded with those frickin speeches about all the glory of dubya's war.........and he was just covering his a$$. Sorry geeDubya, the sheeple will remember the last thing they heard this week.........and that is the truth that you LIED to them. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
Where's Condi been since she let Israel bomb the shit out of Lebanon for weeks instead of trying to stop it? Hiding in a bunker somewhere hoping we all forget how she and dubya and the boys let people die while mouthing bs.
Have you noticed the stink surrounding the bush adm? It's everywhere, the lies are rotting and the liars are getting scared. That stink is fear. Fear of impeachment, fear of prison, fear of losing their hold over the congress and facing what they have done to this country.
Vote Democrat in November and save the USA. It's up to us.
Meanwhile things are so great in Iraq, they are lying about how many Iraqi civilians got killed in August. Like by 150%.
23 Americans killed so far in these 9 days of September....Operation whatever they called it in Baghdad. 2667 dead American soldiers in Iraq, who died for a pack of lies. It has got to stop!

Five days....Israel and Lebanon....each side has bombed some essentials in the other guys country. Each side has shown they can hit targets. Each side continues to show their prowess and lack of brains, all the while refusing to stop.
Now the war becomes rythmical.........you bomb me and I'll bomb you. Over and over. But wait, the targets have changed. Now you bomb my suburbs and I'll bomb your residential areas. Now the civilians die...........on both sides.
The inflexible leaders continue with tough talk, more bombs, and less sense. Nobody will back off.........they must save face. The people are expendable.
This is like tag team wrestling............2 start it off, the world surrounds the ring. One by one they join sides, the most rabid first......who will get player status along with the first two? The others yelling encouragement to the current players. Who will be next in the ring? Who's sons and daughters will get to die for those inflexible leaders egos?
Yours, if this madness isn't stopped.
Dubya and Pooty went to the G8, got in a couple digs at each other, kissed and made up, and nothing is solved. Oh well, never expect.
As of today, 2547 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. Never expect there either.

Busy Bushies this month...doing nothing but stirring up the base. We've had the immigration scream that has ended up with some National Guard troops being sent to the borders to shuffle papers and build roads, and probably fences. Last week it was the drawdown of troops, but dubya said it ain't gonna happen.........until this week when it's their idea. But only before the Nov. elections and then it's maybe. The sheeple like maybe, it's the gospel according to GDubya. John Murtha is the swiftboaters from hell's target...they hate the truth. This week it's flag burning....which hasn't been done in 30 years, but all of a sudden the pubbies think it's a current event. Iraq.....where's that?!
Big Scandal...again. This time the bush boys have been caught with their fingers in your bank account. All to stop TERRA! They are pissed at the NYT for telling their dirty secrets....really pissed. Screeching treason. Kinda funny coming from the ones who are shredding the constitution to give dubya more power.
The occupation in Iraq crawls on.....16 USA soldiers killed last week. We're makin progress, all is well. Hell,even the green zone isn't safe.
As of today, 2524 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. There is no end, they don't want it to end. Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be cannon fodder.
PS...Rove got off! Yep, no indictment and nothing from Mr. Fitz. I smell something bad.

What bothers me is that bushco is wanting to go to war with Iran, no nukes barred. This crap about them not allowing Iran to have anything while giving India more and not using inspectors on their weapons grade nukes is nuts. It's all about finding "friends" in this global conquest of dubya's. He's too big of a damn fool to know you can't buy "friends".
You'd think after the fiasco in Iraq, the little king wannabe would have learned something. Did he? Hell no..........he's just going to take his dog and pony show to a new arena. 2474 dead American soldiers isn't enough for king boy.
Does any of this phase him? No. The big news is let's go after the gays and get that marriage ban done. Bullshit. Just another ploy to fire up his base......all 29% of the hardcore suck ups that are left. How about building a wall around the good old USA? The huge deficit bother you...........or your grandkids that will be paying it off? Stupid is as stupid does.
I dread the next 3 years until this adm is out of office. He can do untold damage to us, and still some will say what a tough mo-fo dubya is. Tough is meat that has been cooked too long...........you get my point?
As of today, 2474 American soldiers have died for the lies of the Bush II administration. How many will be too many for the people to stand up and say bring them home??

It is now 3 years (May 1, 2003)since dubya landed on a carrier, strutted around in his rented costume, and declared MISSION ACCOMPLISHED under a big sign. In this 3 years, only the reasons for going to war have changed, the rhetoric is the same. Gonna get em, gonna make a shining example of democracy in Iraq, gonna gonna gonna. Gonna get 2400 killed to try to get the lie straight, but if you can't see them, you can forget them. The Dubya & Co strategy for keeping the blood on their hands from showing. Doesn't work, but the base....all 32% of them.....keep trying to make the lies into truths.
Iraq is now on another new PM, this one hopefully will get the job done and our troops can come home. Whatever the bushies touch turns to shit, so we'll see how long this one lasts.
Mr. Preznut is taking it upon himself to rewrite the constitution bushco style. Say goodbye to your legal rights, he's after them. Be prepared for the national ID card, concealed as your drivers license....for now. Worried about the NSA spying? You should be. Dubya country will allow it all...and you will have no recourse as to why. It's that goddam terra! terra! thing......the real terra! is in DC, they're just trying to make you think you're the perp. Are you scared yet?
Today is Day #1135 in the War of Choice in Iraq. 2400 American soldiers have been killed trying to make lies come true. How can the bushies do this to the troops? And why don't they care? If you find answers, please email them to me. We'd all like to understand the arrogance that makes them think it's ok.
P.S. Rove has now testified twice more (5 total) to Mr. Fitzgerald's very own Grand Jury. Word is he ain't out of hot water. Bring it on!!

Now Scooter's gone and done it.......said dubya and cheney ok'd the outing of Plame. Dubya sez he declassified that NIE so the peeps would know why he wanted war in Iraq, don't know nothin about Plame who?....sure he did. If that is so, why did Scooter lie to Fitz? Why would there be a need to lie if dubya & uncle dick had already made the information public knowledge? The more this goes on, the deeper it gets. Always they are trying to protect dubya as the dumb ass who doesn't know what goes on in his administration......what the hell!! The wingers are getting ugly over this latest indiscretion, they are spinning lies to protect the dumb ass that the bushies kowtow to on national security. There isn't a one of them now who is worth listening to, IMPEACH the Chimp and the rest of them can go down with him. Is there a jail big enough to hold them all?
As of today, there are 2354 dead American soldiers in Iraq. That war of choice, brought to us by the liars in the WH. Oh yeah there is such good news in Iraq. I wish we could send dubya and dick to fight.......they'd be bringing them home soon enough then. God, I am so pissed!!!

March 19, 2006 Today marks the 3 year date of that War of Choice dubya started in Iraq. What is there to show for it? 2318 dead American soldiers, $500 billion spent on it, and a civil war for the people of Iraq. Today dubya made a speech and did not once say that dirty word "WAR". He instead told more lies. All is well, if you don't worry much about the truth.
Senator Russ Feingold called for a Censure of dubya! So far only two more dems have had the cajones to step forward and agree with him...Harkin and Boxer. I give you their names, because they deserve the recognition.
The port deal is waiting for Dubai to sell them to an American firm....sure. The spygate goes on, didn't Nixon go down for illegal spying? I read that there is a distinct possibility that there has also been some black bag spying...like breaking in to homes and offices. More to come on this, and we'll be deluded with either....I did it and it is legal, or no, we didn't. I believe nothing the bushies say anymore. How can anyone?
South Dakota has banned abortions. The only people happy about this are the fundies and the wire hanger mfg's.
Remember the soldiers, they didn't ask to die in Iraq, no matter what some goddam winger tells you.

Well gee, Dubya is selling U.S. ports to the United Arab Emrates to keep us safe. This sale would affect commercial U.S. port operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. What gave him this idea? $$$? We'll never know, cause it's SECRET. Dubya & co love secrets. The better to pull the wool over your eyes, my dear.
How about that NSA spying on you? Do you like it? Do you like that dubya says he can do it because he's the preznut and he has the power? Remember this, he has all the power those wusses in congress will allow him to have, and with the pub majority they will be too scared to put him under the magnifying glass to show how crooked this adm is.
Cheney went and shot his hunting pal....just peppered him. It's ok, anybody can shoot another person and not bother to report it for 18 hours. Anybody named Cheney, that is!
We've had dubya's SOTU speech, one that sounded like all the others. But he and his pals are out spreading the propaganda to get his points across. Beware.
The Supreme Court is now salted with 2 of dubya's own. Moralistic conservatives who will tell you it's fine to wiretap American citizens, and who will make abortion a coat hanger issue once again. Don't it make ya proud?
As of today, 2277 American Soldiers have been killed in Iraq. But we're winning, stay the course. Godammit, how do you win when you die?

It's time to bring them home............ALIVE!

SassyYank Freeway


Reality Check Archive 2

Reality Check Archive

The Downing Street Memo

Some days reality is like a brick wall.
Demand the truth!

Terrorism is a Bushism