My site would not be possible without the help of all these people so willing to share their knowledge. A heart felt... THANK YOU! To you all.
PB code zone CC&P and much more.
DorieDew CC&P, html, tips. The first place I found to try and learn to make web pages. Taught me a lot. Generators of all kinds, text clock, status bar message, etc and many resources.
Willcam's Group Comprehensive HTML cross reference. Great lessons.
The Club House Lot of info for webtv users and CC&P codes.
The Doghouse Webtv help, games, html and javascript,etc.
EZ codes CC&P codes and much more.
Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi html, dhtml, lists, lots of good info.
WebGizmos Javascripts and more. Very intresting site!
WebMonkey How to library and quick reference guide. Also other things.
Bruce's Place Tutes, links, info.
Anne's World Web page resources..good stuff!
Lasher's Codes for beautiful tools. Also has gifs, back, this place!
Casey's Caverns CC&P code.
Rick's Cafe Great webtv info, forums, cc&p for a basic web page..wonderful for beginers.
MSNTV interactive tv html, css,java, and tons of info on msntv
Thecountrymans codes All CC&P codes.
MOMP'S Tip and codes pages. Lots here!
Merchant's Encyclopedia of HTML Have to learn something here!
ScrollBiz Hooded marquees. These things are great looking.(see my game room and second addition games pages) PC's cant see them well. But what fun!
Sherry's Index CC&P, designs, colors,tools, fonts, resources.
Advanced html reference Great info
Angel's Little Bit of Everything Lot of links. PC tutes for email sigs.
The Blue Fox CC&P codes, great html tutes.
BAD Style HTML Some great don'ts and very heplful.
HTML Toys to CC&P All kinds of buttons, toolbar, F-Key saver.
J.D.'s Clocks and CountDowns Page Many, many to choose from. You are going to love this site. (java and won't work in webtv email)
Kool Web Pages 100 codes & links. Counter links.
Snowbird's Help Center Good codes and links!
The Table GUY If you liked the hooded marquees, this guy you have got to see. Amazing tables, sigs, tools, wonderful things!
TOM357MAG's javascript Buttons and Scrollers.
ACME LABS HTML SAMPLER Different kinds of html coding
KIDS TURN CENTRAL Sorry, this is for computers but still very interesting.
LADY TIMELESS CC&P codes pg1 ( her new pages are on my giflinkspg2) Help for everyone!
HELP by TEX For webtv users. Great if you are just started or need a litle help.
CEDGES HTML CHEATS Basic and mostly simple but very good when learning the codes and what they do. Has an example and the code next to it.
W3C` Advanced HTML By: Dave Raggett Great stuff if you are ready. But does also have a link to Basic HTML also. I cant do this yet but have printed it out and am going to give it the good old
MY NET TOTAL by GLENDA A few really good pages on how to make a webtv page compatable with a PC user Free javaScrits including date/time and date(time) last modified on your web page
DRAC.COM A comlete guide to HTML.. also free HTML and JAVA codes .. plus a lot of help with all things for webpages.
HTML COOKBOOK Basic html course including CSS. Links for all things WEBTV...