Good and Evil....Two totally opposite concepts. Yet if we study the theory of Yin Yang we are taught that opposites balance each other to create harmony. Well that's a beautiful concept, and in a perfect world it would be true.

However, in this world, in the 21st century, we need only to look around us. Pick up a newspaper, turn on the radio, watch the news on TV. Evil is all around us. And at the risk of bursting your bubble, I can't imagine the magnitude of good we would need to balance the evil in the world today. So although Yin Yang is a wonderful's just not reality. It is, however, a really neat little design.

I don't think I need to dwell on the evils of society that are right out there in plain sight every day. I really want to educate you on the evil that is hidden from sight. Evil that is not publicised. Evil that is sanctioned by business and government. Evil that is even financially supported by our government along with charitable organizations that play on your conscience to get you to donate money.

What is this evil? Animal abuse. Animal abuse in many forms. To name just a few; animal research, factory farming, fur farming, the meat industry, puppy mills, animals in entertainment, and yes, look out NRA, animal abuse in the form of hunting.

Lets face it folks, we are a nation where the majority of citizens are overfed and overweight. We are the land of plenty. So why should anyone be allowed to use the lame excuse that they hunt for food?

We all know that hunting is strictly a sport for the hunter. The only problem with that concept is that for it to be considered a sport you would have to arm the animals in order to keep it fair. Otherwise it's just killing, plain and simple.

And recent events have shown us what happens when you teach a child to hunt and to kill. Eventually he loses respect for all life. And there are those who find it difficult to distinguish between the life of an animal and the life of a person. Not that it should matter, because ALL life is sacred.

Well,I'm probably not going to convince everyone that compassion is the way to live your life, but I am hoping that you will check out my Animal Rights links.

Before you blow off the whole idea, read the facts. Educate youself by reading the truth behind the Animal Rights Movement. If you are sympathetic to the concept there is always something new to learn. Even if it is only a new vegetarian recipe.

On the other hand, if you don't agree with the Animal Rights Movement, it is even more important for you to read my links. An intelligent person does not disagree on a subject without first learning the facts. I'm not trying to change anyone's ideas or force my opinions on anyone. I simply want to educate you on the facts of Animal Rights. After that it is between you and your conscience as to what theory you support.

Just let me give you this one thought for the day....Peace, Kindness, Compassion, Understanding and Respect for ALL Living Things is the ONLY Way to Harmony in Life.


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