The Law of Power is a set of rules set to govern over the blessing of the God and Goddess. It is as follows:

*The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others.

*If need arises, the Power shall be used to protect your life, or the lives of others.

*The Power is used only as need dictates.

*The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none. It is unwise to accept money for the use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker.

*Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and Magick.

*Ever remember that the Power is a sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused.

*And this is the Law of Power.


We are of the Old Ways, among those who walk with the God and Goddess, and receive their love.

Keep the Sabbats and Esbats to the best of your ability, for to do otherwise is to lessen your connection with the Goddess and God.

Harm none. This is the oldest law, and is not open to interpretation or change.

Those of our ways are kind to all creatures, for hurtful actions are quite draining and aren't worth the loss of energy.

Misery is self-created; so too is joy. So create joy and disdain misery and unhappiness.

And this is within your power. So harm not.

Teach only what you know to the best of your ability to those students who you chose.

Teach not to those who would use your instructions for destruction or control.

Also, teach not to boost pride, forever remember: He who teaches out of love shall be enfolded in the arms of the Goddess and God.

Ever remember that if you would be of our way, keep the law close to your heart, for it is the nature of Wicca to keep The Law. If need ever arises, any law may be changed or discarded, and new laws written to replace them, so long as the new laws don't break the oldest law of all, Harm none!

Blessings of the Goddess and God on us all.

Merry Meet...

Merry Part...

Merry Meet Again


  1. Know yourself

2. Know your Craft

3. Learn

4. Apply knowledge with wisdom

5. Achieve balance

6. Keep your words in good order

7. Keep your thoughts in good order

8. Celebrate life

9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth

10. Breathe and eat correctly

11. Exercise the body

12. Meditate

13. Honor the Goddess and God


BEST TIME: Waxing Moon

Fill a cauldron half-full of water and place it on a table where you can see comfortably into it while seated.

Light 2 purple candles and a good divination incense (a combination of mugwort and wormwood work well). Arrange the candles so their light does not shine into the water in your eyes. Focus your attention on the bottom of the cauldron, placing your hands lightly on either side.

Breathe gently into the water and say, "Cauldron, reveal to me that which I seek, open my inner eye that I may truly see."

Clear your mind of all distractions. Remain relaxed while looking deep into the cauldron waters. The answer may come in images in the water, picture in your mind or strong bursts of "knowing".

As you become more proficiant,you will develop your own technique.

ALLSPICE - used for money, luck, healing -- burned as incense to attract money, or luck, eaten to promote healing.

BASIL - love, exorcism, wealth, flying, protection -- used to soothe tempers by smell, rubbed on the skin as love perfume, used as love incense and added to sachets; brings wealth when carried. Where basil is, no evil lives. Basil keeps away goats. Witches were said to have drunk a half a cup of basil juice before flying into the air. Given as a gift, it gives good luck.

BAY LEAVES - used for clairvoyant powers, placed beneath one's pillow for prophetic dreams, burned to cause visions. Wishes can be written on the leaves and then burned to make them come true; mixed with sandalwood, they can be burned to remove curses.

BELLDONNA - For use in black magick rituals.

CINNAMON - When burned it raises high spiritual vibrations, heals, draws money, stimulates psychic powers, also used in sachets, or pouches for these purposes and carried. Cinnamon is an herb that is used for love and the scent is very powerful.

CLOVES - produces spiritual vibrations and cleanses, can be burned to stop gossip about you, worn to attract the opposite sex.

CORIANDER - crushed, or powdered and added to warm wine to make a lust potion (given to the one you want to like you), worn to ease headaches.

CUMIN - If the seeds are placed by an object, or in it, the object will never be stolen. Cumin is burned with frankincense for protection and then scattered on the ground with salt to drive out evil. Cumin powder is used in wine for a lust potion.

FERNS - used for protection, luck, health. Smoke from burning fern drives away snakes and noisy animals, and evil spirits. The person to break the first fern of spring will have good luck. When carried, it will lead you to treasures.

GINGER - used to make sure your spells are effective. Ginger is eaten before spells to make them successful, or simply added to herbal mixtures, also used for love spells.

HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR ROOT - The most Famous Root in the world. Carry this root in a red flannel bag. This Root is Carried as a Powerful Charm to draw LOVE, Good Health, Success, Happiness & POwer, Fast Money & Good Fortune Gambling. Very Powerful Root

MARJORAM - used in love spells, added to food for this, protective when carried, violets and this mixed together and carried as a sachet will prevent colds in the winter. Marjoram can be carried for depression, too, and is also used in money sachets.

MUGWORT - When placed next to the bed, it aids in astral projection; tea can be made from it to increase psychic powers. It's carried to prevent backache and cure illness. A solution of mugwort and water, plus Full Moon light and energy, can be used to cleanse, and then charge, magickal mirrors.

POPPY SEEDS - carried to attract luck and money, added to food for love.

ROSEMARY - burned to purify, protect and exorcise, placed under your pillow for sleep, worn to aid memory, carried and hung above doors for health, used in a bath for youth and longevity.

SAGE - protection, healing, wealth, fulfilling wishes, longevity, also burned to increase knowledge and wisdom.

THISTLE - steam or boiled thistle is used to call spirits. When burned during a storm, it will protect your home from lightning.

THYME - burned for good health. When placed under your pillow, it helps you sleep and prevents nightmares. Thyme can also be burned to cleanse and purify an area, carried and smelled to gain energy and courage, and if worn long enough, you might see fairies!


To help speed recovery from an illness. Write the name of the person needing to be healed upon a human shaped candle ( make sure its shaped in the correct gender).

Visualize healing energy in the form of a white light flowing from your hands to the candle while annointing the candle with myrrh or mint oil and saying these words, "In the divine name of the God that breathes life into us all, I consecrate and charge this candle as a magical tool for healing.

Place the candle above a photo of the person in need. Light the candle. As the candle burns down concentrate on the person in the photo. Will him or her to become well again and chant the following,     "Magic mend and candle burn. Sickness end and good health return."

Continue concentrating on the person as the candle continues to burn..  

It is Done!


With the first and middle fingers, trace a pentagram over the object to be protected. Visualize electric-blue or purple flames treaming from your fingers to form the pentagram.

Say this as you trace, "With this pentagram I lay Protection here both night and day. And the one who should not touch - let his fingers burn and twitch. I now invoke the law of three, This is my will, so mote it be!"

It is Done!


Dragon's Blood Ink is typically used for spells or ceremonies dealing with the attainment of power, and/or prestige. Mystical Inks are traditionally used for the writing of spells, magickal requests, petitions, wishes, and the inscription of Mystical Seals.


Dove's Blood Ink is typically used for love spells. Mystical Inks are traditionally used for the writing of spells, magickal requests, petitions, wishes, and the inscription of Mystical Seals. You can use Dove's Blood Ink for writing into your Book of Shadows, or for writing love spells. It is also used for thanking the higher powers for their assistance or aid.

Black- Protection, Meditation, Night, Truth, Removing Negativity & Hexes, Seeking light, Mourning, Loss, and Purification.

White- Divination, Clairvoyance, Peace, Purity, Truth, Meditation, Protection, Justice, Virtue, Cleansing, Consecration, and Sincerity.

Blue- Peace, Healing, Wisdom, Patience, Tranquility, Hope, Truth, Protection, Loyalty, Health, Astral Projection, Meditation, Inspiration, and Honor

Brown Earth, Home, Hearth Magick, Protection, Stability, Family, Telepathy, Animal Kingdom, Consecration, and Endurance.

Red- Lust, Sexuality, Passion, Energy, Courage, Willpower, Vigor, and Strength.

Pink- Love, Passion, Romance, Peace, Emotion, Friendship, Harmony, Memory, Happiness, and Nurturing.

Purple- Psychic Ability, Intuition/ESP, Respect, Royalty, Spirituality, Spells, Charms, Ridding Oneself of Negative Energy & Habits, Power, Healing, and Ambition.

Yellow- Persuasion, Confidence, Learning, Clairvoyance, Harmony, Happiness, Intellect, Success, Visions, Charm, Staying Alert, and Success.

Green- Sometimes Envy or Jealousy, Luck, Beauty, Earth, Finances, Renewal, Balance, Healing, Fertility, Prosperity, And Abundance.

Orange- Vitality, Purest form of Energy, Creation, Courage, Concentration, Goals, Healing, and Success.

Grey- Neutral & Neutralizing Negativity. Magenta- Quick Changes, Power, Spiritual Healing, and Exorcism.

Indigo- Meditation, Balance. Karma, Warding off un-desirable Competition and Slander, and Psychic Dreams.

Burgundy- Protection, and Warding off bad-luck

Silver- The Goddess, Astral Energy, Telepathy, Dreams, Intuition, Moon Magick, Meditation, and Balance.

Gold- The God, Power, Divination, Wealth, Abundance, Balance, Solar Deities, and Mental Growth.

Copper- Money, Finance, Health, Passion, Greed, Career, and Business.