~*~ CHAPTER 5 ~*~

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In August of 1975,I found a female Siberian Husky near death from heatstroke.
She was laying in the tall weeds near the track in Juniper Park.
I carried her home to my house even though I already had three large male German Shepherds at the time.
I am a animal lover so I had to help the near death dog.

My three children and I worked on her body with cold water and talked to her.
We rubbed her body for hours into the next day.
We stayed up with her all night.
Day by day she got better but she was a female.
We had three male German Shepherds!

A young couple adopted her.
She didn't swim fast enough for them in Flushing Meadows lake so they brought her back to us.

A couple with two children already had a grey female husky named Susie.
They adopted our "Tiki" and took her home to live with them.
"Tiki" was a black and white Siberian Husky with blue eyes.
The two dogs liked each other a lot and would play.
"Susie" all of a sudden didn't like "Tiki" anymore.
"Tiki" came back to us again.......
We were all very happy she came back to us.
We missed her and decided no more adoptions for her.
She stayed with us until she died many years later.

One day in Sept.of 1975 my Daughter Cindy called me from her room.
"Ma! Hurry somethings wrong with Tiki she ripping my sheets off of my bed!"
And,that is exactly what she was doing.
She was ripping the sheets into small pieces......
I grabbed the dog and put her in the bathroom.......
Rabies,I thought ???
No it wasn't Rabies but I didn't know that at the time.

She ripped the towels off of the towel rack in the bathroom.
She jumped into the bathtub with them.
"Ma....she ripping the towels up !!!!"  
"Get her newspapers,if she wants to rip up things."
"Give her newspapers!"
I yelled,as my shower curtain was ripped down by her and was being ripped into little pieces.

Our three children ran all over the house to find newspapers for "Tiki" to rip up.
My son gave her his book to rip up.
Finally,she stopped ripping things up and just laid down in the tub.
And,just very quietly laid there.........

My three children,my three German Shepherds and I......
just stood very quietly in my bathroom and outside the bathroom door..........
looking at "Tiki" in the tub........
laying on my shredded bath towels,shower curtain,etc.

"Tiki" just laid there and we just stood there for quite some time..........
Then she started to howl.....and howl...and twist her body..........

I can still hear and remember my Daughter Dianne yelling..........
"I'm the oldest...that makes it mine........!!!!"

Well,it wasn't rabies.........it was babies..........

That day she gave us three beautiful blue eyed Siberian Husky puppies.

I found her on Aug.18,1975 and on Sept.27,1975 she gave birth to one male puppy,we named him Shadow.
We named her two female puppies Sandy and Toya.
We kept Tiki and her one Daughter Sandy even though we had the three male German Shepherds.

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NEXT - Chapter 6
Mother Tiki's Happy Ending Story

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Image of pen writing Diane

All photographs and text are ©1999-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
