~*~ CHAPTER 56 ~*~

Image of german shepherd

Image of simon 7 weeks old


My name is Simon.

I'm a German Shepherd puppy.

The picture above was taken on Sunday May 7,2006.

That was the day my new Human Mom came

to Lilian's house to pick out a male puppy.

There were only 2 males not spoken for.

Even though I got picked I had to wait until

May 13 to go to my new home.

We were only 7 weeks old so all

of us had to stay with Mom a few more days.

Before my new Human Mom left that

day she gave me the name Simon.

I'm just starting to make my website.

I hope you enjoy seeing all my pictures as I grow.

Image of name simon n blue with hearts

I was born on March 19,2006 to:

Sire: Roy

Dam: Petra

Our newborn pictures below were taken

by our first Human Mom Lilian.

Image 18 black pawprints

Image of banner Petra,Roy and Family blue

This is my Mom,my Brothers and Sister.

Mom had a litter of six.

5 boys and 1 girl.

Mom's name is Petra.

Dad's name is Roy.

Dad's picture is on the next page.

Image of newborn puppies

"Here,we all are at the dining table."

Image of 18 black pawprints

Image newborn GS puppies

"Mom is keeping us clean and healthy."

"Boy does her tongue tickle."

Image 18 black pawprints

Image newborn GS puppies

"Which one serves the chocolate milk?"

Image 18 black pawprints

Image of standing mom and pups

"Mom is telling us no chocolate

for puppies or dogs."

"It is extremely harmful to us."

Image 18 black pawprints

Image of mom and pups

"Mom relaxing with us."

"Being a mom is tough."

"She is always aware and ready

to take care of our needs."

NEXT - Chapter 57
Simon's Family

Image 18 black pawprints

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved
