~*~ CHAPTER 57 ~*~

Image of german shepherd

Image 18 black pawprints

Image of pups nursing

"DIn Din Time."

Image of 18 black pawprints

Image of puppies

"Hey guys."

"I heard one day we get to eat bones."

Image 18 black paws

Image of mom pup and toy

"Mom,will I get to go to a good home?"

Image 18 black pawprints

Image of name Roy in blue

Image of simon's dad

"I am proud of how big and strong

Simon is getting."

Image 18 black pawprints

Image of german shepherd pup

"I will try my best to make

my parents proud of me."

Image 18 black paws

Image of puppies

"I will start practicing now on

how to be a good dog."

Image 18 black pawprints

NEXT - Chapter 58
Simon 7 Weeks Old

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
