~*~ Chapter 68 ~*~

Image of a line of seven german shepherds

Image of banner day 3 of heat wave

Image of name simon in red

Image of my dog simon at 4 months old and 54 pounds

"Hot! Hot! Hot!"

Image of a line of seven german shepherds

Image of name simon,santiki abd willie's cat in red

Image of simon,santiki and willie's cat

"Simon,this is your first summer. Summers are hot. Not really Husky weather."

Image of line of seven german shepherds

Image of name willie's cat in red

Image closeup of cat's face

"A few years ago I was outside in this kind of heat."

Image of line of seven german shepherds

Image of simon

"How do you stay cool in this weather?"

Image of line of seven german shepherds

Image of cat in window

"I found one way is to sit in a open screened window."

Image of a line of seven german shepherds

NEXT - Chapter 69
Simon - Heat Wave Page 2 Of 5

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
