~*~ Chapter 71 ~*~

Image of a line of seven german shepherds

Image of banner

Image of my dogs simon and santiki

"They made sure he had a cool dry box to sleep in each night."

Image of line of seven german shepherds

Image of name simon in red

Image of simon

"Wow! They must really like you a lot."

Image of a line of seven german shepherds

Image of name santiki in red

Image of my dog santiki

"Then they decided to bring him indoors with us."

Image of line of seven german shepherds

Image of name willie's cat in red

Image of willie's cat on bed

"Inside I made some fine and good new friends."

Image of line of seven german shepherds

Image of banner 19 weeks and 4 days old 61 lbs

Image of simon in front of fan

" Will they take as good care of us?"

Image of a line of seven german shepherds

NEXT - Chapter 72
Simon,Santiki & Willie's Cat - Heat Wave Page 5 Of 5

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
