~*~ Chapter 72 ~*~

Image of a line of seven german shepherds

Image of banner

Image of closeup of dog simon's face

"Will they look out for our summer needs as well?"

Image line of seven gs dogs

Image of name simon,willie's cat and santiki in red

Image of simon,cat,santiki

"Of course they will."
"Each day you have fresh food and cool water."
"You have a cool place to rest."
"Plus we have Pool Parties."

Image of a line of seven german shepherds

Image of simon,santiki,cat

"Most important we have masters who love and cherish us."

Image line of seven gs dogs

Image of santiki and cat resting

"Thats why we thank our masters each day for all the love and care they give us."

Image line of seven gs dogs

Image of name simon in red

Image of simon on floor by bed

"Me too!"
"I will love them back also."
"For all the proper and loving care they have shown me this hot, hot, hot summer."

Image line of seven gs dogs

NEXT - Chapter 73
German Shepherds Simon & Shadow

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
