~*~ Chapter 75 ~*~

Image of Simon 10 months old banner in yellow

Image of names simon and shadow in yellow

Image of my two  dogs

"Here,Shadow is telling me
it is all part of being a puppy."

Image of line of 6 colars with heart

Image of name santiki in yellow

Image of my dog santiki on stoop

"Simon,is usually a good puppy,
but he still is a puppy."

Image of line of 6 colars with heart

Image of name simon in yellow

Image of simon


"I'm still a puppy?"

Image of line of 6 colars with heart

Image of names simon and santiki in yellow

Image of santiki and simon

"Simon,in a few months it will be your birthday."

"You will be an adult dog then."

Image of line of 6 colars with heart

Image of names simon and shadow in yellow

Image of my two dogs playing with soda bottle

"An adult dog!"

"I will be an adult dog soon."


Image of line of 6 colars with heart

NEXT - Chapter 76
"Happy Birthday!"
German Shepherd Simon 1 Year Old

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
