~*~ Chapter 76 ~*~

Image of banner simon 1 year old

Image of 9 balloons
Image of words love and hugs
Happy Birthday Simon
March 19,2007
1 Year Old

Image gift with blu bow

The Gift:

Image of simon in snow

"Today is my birthday."
"I'm 1 year old."

Image of 9 ballons

Image of my dog eating snow

"What's this soft,cold stuff on the ground?"

Image of 9 ballons

Image simon and shadow eating snow

"Shadow calls it snow."
"Frozen water falling from the sky."

Image of 9 balloons

Image of my dog eating snow from flower pot

"It doesn't look like water,
but it tastes like really cold water."

Image of 9 ballons

Image of simon eating snow off of bench

"Shadow says it is one
of my special birthday treats."
"A gift all of us can enjoy together."

Image of 9 ballons

NEXT - Chapter 77
"Happy Birthday German Shepherd Simon"

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
