~*~ Chapter 77 ~*~

Image of banner simon 1 year old

Image of bear

The Gift:
Watering Can

simon and birthday present

"Here is another of my gifts."

Image of cake

Image of simon and watercan

"Human Mom says I can help her
water the plants with this gift."

Image of bunch balloons

Image of my dog holding watercan

"This will help the plants grow."
"So we can have a pretty garden."

Image of 5 gifts

Image of my dog with watercan in snow

"Can we fill it up now?"
"I'm ready to help."

Image of many gifts

Image of simon and watercan

"What do you mean it is too cold out?"
"I can at least practice carrying the water can."

Image of 2 gifts

NEXT - Chapter 78

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
