Hello there. Thanks for stopping by. Paul & I hope you enjoy your visit. To our friends in cyberspace we are better known as "Deep Diver" and "Dolphin's Dream".
Paul & I, believing that the anticipation and actual planning of a trip is half the fun of the trip itself, began our research back in October, 2000. We had already visited Aruba, Antigua (twice), St. Maartins and Cancun. We hadn't actually considered Jamaica due to misconceptions of safety issues.
One day I thought "why not check it out anyway"? By sheer chance, I stumbled across "The Negril Message Board", moderated by a really super gentleman, Rob - Beingees. This was a message board unlike any others I had ever seen! The ONLY topic is Negril! The particiants are either from Negril, former visitors to Negril or people seeking information about visiting Negril. Here was a virtual wealth of information that simply could not be learned from any guidebook ever published! Needless to say, I "loitered" for several days, visiting the numerous links to hotels, restaurants, transportation, activities, etc. just reading all the pro & cons of almost every hotel.
Negril seems to offer every facility imaginable, from the higher priced "super all-inclusives" to the small, no frills rooms for the budget minded traveler. We decided to stay at a "somewhere in the middle resort", Crystal Waters Villas. We'll be staying there from May 16, 2001 through May 30th for what we expect to be 15 wonderful days. Our big hope is to finally be able to meet some of the "boardies" who have given us the information that we needed to make our decision to choose Negril as our vacation destination this year and hopefully for many years to come. To all in the group, we wish you "cool runnings & respect".
This is simply the beginning. Upon our return we will be adding a full day-by-day trip report and lots of photos for others to share.
Until we return, may we suggest for your pleasure, the following links which were so kindly given to me by posters to "The Negril Message Board"? If you have ever visted Negril, are planning on visiting or are simply curious about Negril, these are the sites to see.
"Jamaicaphile Home Pages" (Beingee's Boardie's Home Pages) Contributed by "Husker John".
"Touch a Thatch Cottage Rental" (Owned and operated by Daddy Coo & Karin)
"Kahuna's Sunset Sail" (Written & contributed By "Kahuna3")
"Kahuna's Scuba Adventure" (Written & contributed by "Kahuna3")
"Our Journey - Day 1" (As remembered by Diana & Paul)

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