~Awards and Gifts3~

~I would like to thank everyone who has presented me with an award. There are some wonderful sites here so please take your time and pay them a visit.~

Thank You, Linda. Rceived-February 17, 2001
Thank You, Linda.  Received-February, 17, 2001
THANK YOU, Linda.  Oh my! a third award.  Received-February 27, 2001

Thank You, Mark.  Received-February 21, 2001
THANK YOU, Diane.  Received-April 2, 2001
THANK YOU, Diane, absolutely gorgeous.  Received-April 2, 2001

Thank You, Carlie.  Received=July 2, 2001
Thank You.  Received-July 9, 2001
Thank You, Dragon and Nikkolai.  Received-April 24, 2001

THANK YOU SO MUCH, Peter.  Received-May 29, 2001

Thank You, TBOOB.  Received-June 20, 2001 Thank You, Yvonne.  Received-July 9, 2001

~1~/~2~/Award Winners

The background music on this page was composed by Bjorn Lynne.