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Help for The Caregiver

Caregivers deal with many responsibilities and challenges when caring for a person with Alzheimer's Disease. Your emotions may range from denial to guilt and anger to feelings of pride in the job you are doing.

Responsibilities of the Caregiver

Look after the person's medical well-being

Provide financial security

Help with personal care

Provide emotional support and friendship

Caregiving is a big job, especially for one person alone. At times, the main caregiver will need a break from the problems of providing care. It is very important that other family members or
friends fill in to give the caregiver a much-needed break.

Helpful Tips for The Caregiver

Plan a daily schedule for the person with the disease

Set aside personal time

Arrange for others to help you

Find time to relax each day

Go to support group meetings

Get counseling

Hire professional help

Consider adult day-care programs and long-term care outside of the home


Alzheimer's Disease - Information & Resources

WebMD: Alzheimer's

FamilyCare America

Mayo Clinic Disease Center

WIND BENEATH MY WINGS~A Dedication To My Parents~

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