Photo Gallery for Sept-Oct 2008 Muse


Siblings at 2008 Reunion

Four Guys at the Reunion

Nancy at 2008 Reunion

Scott Howlett family

Polly and Stan

Sean Howlett and son

Snoozer on Candid Camera

Missi has Music

Darrel and Mary

Waiting for the Women

Taking the Vows

Pouring Sands Together

Six of us on the Boat

Knox Family

Jason, Bevin and Olivia

WIPEOUT obstacles

From Mud to Splash

Natalie's ABC interview

Pouring the Sand Together

Part of the marriage ritual for Jason and Bevin (July 5, 2008) involved pouring grains of sand together. This signified that they were two individual people who were now acting as one entity, together in their life now.
Photo by Bob Murdock, using a cell phone camera.

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