Photo Gallery for July-August 2007 Muse


At the Eiffel Tower

Jayson Howlett, graduate

Natalie's autism help froup

Frosted Birthday Brownies

Rosalind's quilt in progress

Happy Father's Day

Margery, Jack and the tree

Olivia at 3 months

Mischievous baby bear

Polly's lilies

At the Eiffel Tower

This is the great Eiffel Tower in Paris, one of the stops made by Colleen "Hatlady" McKay and her niece JoAnnah on a tour that also included Venice and Rome. In this photo taken by another tourist, you can see Colleen (left) and her niece, dwarfed by the tower. Colleen is holding her mascot, Harry the Bear.

Click here to see the light show, which happened soon after this photo-op.

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