Silver Moon Sailing

On a silver ocean
Where no one should sail
In a harbor town known
To tell a fine tale

If a sailor's found braver
Than those who gave up
The huge prize will be his
He will fill his gold cup

The mission that's asked
Is a tough one to complete
So hold on to your hat
And grip tight to your seat

The captain is looking
For a mermaid to find
And hoping to see her
Not just in his mind

She waits on a rock bed
With treasures to share
Her beauty's astounding
With sea-sparkled hair

She looks out to sea
Where her sister is lost
She holds on to wishes
That can never be tossed

The sea has been wicked
Some crews have debated
If this is a legend
Some can't be persuaded

The ship is now launched
And the sailor is geared
To brave highest gales
That long have been feared

Winds will now tell us
If mermaids swim free
And where the lost mermaid
Could possibly be...

Original poetry and web design by Susan M Klein
Paint Shop Pro 7