Sirens of the Sea

'Tis said in the legend
No man can ever see
A mermaid in daylight
Til the hour passes three

The favorite of times known
To ride upon a wave
The mermaids will dance then
In the dark of a cave

So the captain and crew
With mackerel stowed in hold
Tell stories of the sea
As they're buckled in gold

The waters seem quiet
Far from Eversong Row
"She mustn't be out here
Lets move toward Craggy Cove!"

Then out of black water
A moan pitched to the sky
It sounded like a whale
With a piercing, sad cry

Johnnie Cray took his spy glass
Abbott grabbed the boat hook
"Ok, mermaid creature
Let the boys have a look!"

Now was it the whiskey
The sea fog or the mist
That turned Johnnie's face white
And held tight his strong fist

The ship started rocking
Sharp waves crashed on deck
The fear in their eyes raised
To recall a shipwreck

The captain then throttled
To clear off the plank
For last time they sailed here
The ship nearly sank

She waits here for someone
And why would that be
Does Johnnie remember
The Siren of the Sea

Original poetry and web design by Susan M Klein
Paint Shop Pro 7