He is Called...

And thou shalt
call His name Jesus ~ Emmanuel,
Prince of Peace, Mighty God,
Wonderful, Counselor, Holy One,
Lamb of God, Prince of Life,
Lord God Almighty,
Lion of the Tribe of Judah,
Root of David, Word of Life,
Author and Finisher of Our Faith,
Advocate, The Way, Dayspring,
Lord of All, I AM, Son of God,
Shepherd and Bishop of Souls,
Messiah, The Truth, Saviour,
Chief Cornerstone, King of Kings,
Righteous Judge, Light of the World,
Head of the Church, Morning Star,
Son of Righteousness, Lord,
Jesus Christ, Chief Shepherd
Resurrection and Life,
Horn of Salvation, Governor,

The Alpha and Omega!!

Matthew 1

Matthew 1:21 "And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins."
1:23 "...and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." KJV

Narnies Signatures

In my pages I, pray that you will find Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, glorified, honored, magnified, all praise and power is His forever!! Jesus Christ, is the joy of living to me.
Thank you for visiting my pages. I hope that you will visit again. Please take a moment to sign my guestbook.
Joyfully yours, in Jesus Christ,
Carol Ann

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