JESUS CHRIST - The Good Shepherd...


Jesus Christ My Shepherd
The Mighty God,

"He Is..."
More, More About JesusPsalm 91
Jesus-The Good Shepherd"For God So Loved..."~A Virtuous Woman~
Thanksgiving Blessings The Nativity Don't YOU WANT TO GO??
"God's Yellow Pages:" ~Author Unknown~"As The Deer...""Blessed Is The Nation..."

In Memory Of 9/11/2001
HIS NAME IS...!!"It's The Veteran!"Coming Soon
Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon
Coming SoonComing SoonIn The Father's Hands
Is Jesus Christ the answer to your questions?
WebBible Encyclopedia

Coming Soon~Life or Death?
It Is In Your Hands!
Contains VERY Graphic Information!
CAUTION!! Contains Pictures of Aborted Babies!!

I put this teardrop on my page to show my care and concern for all the aborted and abused children in this world.  May our heavenly Father keep them safe from the doctors and nurses who lack compassion and have become "butchers" of precious innocent souls!  May He also keep all the children safe from those that are lacking in conscience and abuse innocent children in numerous ways.  God will judge all that bring pain to these innocent children.   LORD Jesus bless the little children.

Teardrop Project

Welcome to All, that come my way!!  Thank you for stopping by.

Please come on in, and visit for a while.  In these pages I have attempted in my feeble way to share with you the beauty and wonder of Jesus Christ.  I have lived many years and I have found Jesus Christ sweeter with each passing day.  Jesus Christ is truly the joy of living!!  He is my every thing!

One of my favorite scripture is:
Revelation 4:11  "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:  for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created."    KJV    I pray, that in these pages I have attempted to show the beauty, the glory, honour and power of Jesus Christ, the almighty God!!

If you have not invited Jesus Christ, into your heart and centered your life around Him, allowing Him to guide you throughout your life.., please take time to read Acts 2:38 and 2:39, (in fact read the Bible daily) and these two scriptures will give you the instructions to receive His glorious salvation full and free.  Just remember this is only the beginning and to feed the spiritual man/woman it requires spiritual food daily from the WORD of GOD, the Bible to grow and be healthy in Jesus Christ.  If you give Him complete charge of your life He will not lead you astray, but will teach you daily how to live a life that is pleasing in His sight.  Going to church regularly will give you a support system which everyone needs.  Remember people AREN'T perfect they are human, but if they are Christians, they are like you, and doing their best to live for the LORD each day.   You will see changes in your life that you never thought possible, and it would never be possible in yourself alone!!  With Jesus, all things are possible, as He specializes in things thought impossible.  Hallelujah!!  \0/\0/\0/   God bless you, always.

If you have time, please sign my Guestbook so that I will know you were here.  Thanks for stopping by!:)  I hope that you enjoy my pages and will come again.:)  

Joyfully yours in, Jesus Christ,
Carol Ann

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HOPE, After Abortion

Midi: "In The Garden"