C/C/P Codes

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To copy any of these codes, just put your cursor in the text box, and hit cmd+a...

Javascript bug CURE..

If you use this code instead of the Javascript alert code, your page should be bug free! People will never encounter the bug on your page. Put it right after the body tag on your webpage.

Simple Instant Messenger
When using this code, be sure and change the parenthesis to these <......You can use this in your email or on your webpage!

On Click Alert Window....
like this:
Click Here

Heres the code for one of these text boxes I am using.
Just remember to change the parenthesis to the angle brackets. This...( will become...<

Background Color Changer...
like this one

Redirect Code...
(automatically takes a person to another page)
put this code in the head part of your document.

Javascript Bug ALERT...
Lets people know when they have the WebTV JS bug.

Logo Code...
to represent your page, when someone saves it!
It is part of your body, tag, like this:

Spell Checker...
Use this hand tool, to check your spelling:

Stationary Sidebar for your webpage: