Now let's take a look at life and love among the servants at 165 Eaton Place. Below stairs is where the servants work, eat, and make commentary on what's going on Upstairs and the world in general.

The senior servants: Angus Hudson the butler and Mrs Bridges the cook. Both began their service to the Bellamys long ago at Southwold, Lady Marjorie's family estate, and both stayed on at Eaton Place from the early 1880's until 1930. They have an lovely bond that deepened when Mrs Bridges had her "trouble" (more on that later). In 1930, when 165 Eaton Place was sold, Hudson and Mrs Bridges married, then retired to the seaside to run a guest house for upperclass children.

And here is the below-stairs gang hard at work, thoroughly devoted in serving their employers. Here we see Mr. Hudson, Mrs. Bridges, Rose, the head housemaid, and Edward, the footman.

[Life at 165 ~ page 4]
[165 Eaton Place] [Webbilicious]
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